The Gift of Rest Resources: Renew Your Soul and Body in Christ

January often begins with high hopes and busy schedules, yet many of us find ourselves running on empty before the month is even halfway through. The demands of work, family, and personal commitments leave little room to pause, reflect, or care for our spiritual well-being. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, disconnected, and in desperate need of rest—not just for our bodies, but for our souls.

This month’s theme, Rest and Renewal in Christ, invites you to step off the treadmill of busyness and into the peace Jesus offers. In Week 1, we’ll explore The Gift of Rest, uncovering how Christ provides both soul-deep refreshment and physical renewal. His invitation in Matthew 11:28—“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”—is not just a comforting thought but a life-changing promise.

Through this study, you’ll learn how to embrace God’s rest as a priority in your daily life and lean on His strength to meet life’s challenges. Together, let’s begin the new year with hearts open to His restoration, finding true renewal in the presence of our Savior.

The gift of rest resources

It's time to begin!!! I am so excited to begin our Rest and Renewal in Christ study with you!

Don't forget to download the free printable Bible study reading plan for Rest and Renewal in Christ along with study, reflection, and practical application questions shown below.

Rest and Renewal in Christ Bible Study Reading Plan Download

Here's a closer look at our Bible study reading plan. Feel free to screenshot it.

Rest and Renewal in Christ 4 Week Reading Plan Sheet

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This Week's Bible Reading Plan:

Rest and Renewal in Christ Week 1 Reading Plan

This Week’s Reflection and Discussion Questions

Week 1: The Gift of Rest

Genesis 2:2-3

These verses remind us of the intentional rhythm God built into creation: a balance of work and rest. After six days of creating the heavens and the earth, God rested—not because He needed to, but to establish a pattern for His creation to follow. By blessing and making the seventh day holy, He set it apart as a sacred time for reflection, renewal, and connection with Him. This act reveals God’s care not only for the physical world but for humanity’s need for rest and spiritual restoration.

Have you ever considered how difficult it can be to pause and rest, even when you know it’s necessary? In a culture that equates busyness with success, these verses challenge us to rethink our priorities. God’s example shows that rest is not just a break from productivity—it’s a holy act of trust and acknowledgment that He is the ultimate sustainer. What keeps you from fully embracing the gift of rest God invites you to enjoy? How might carving out intentional time to pause help you draw closer to Him and reflect on His goodness?

As you reflect on this passage, consider how you can create space in your life for holy rest. It’s not just about stopping work; it’s about recognizing that your worth isn’t tied to your productivity. Instead, it’s an opportunity to align yourself with God’s design and experience His blessing. How can you make your time of rest meaningful and reflective of God’s purpose for it?

Isaiah 30:15

This verse reveals God’s invitation to His people to find salvation and strength not in striving or rebellion but in repentance, rest, quietness, and trust. The context shows Israel seeking help from Egypt rather than turning to God, highlighting humanity’s tendency to look for solutions in worldly resources instead of in Him. God’s words here remind us that true strength and salvation come from surrender—repenting of our self-reliance and resting in His sufficiency.

Consider how often we face situations where our instinct is to do more, fix things ourselves, or seek quick fixes elsewhere. This verse challenges us to pause and ask: Where am I looking for strength and security? God’s call to “quietness and trust” requires faith that He is in control and will provide. Are there areas in your life where you need to let go of striving and embrace rest in God’s promises? How might practicing quietness and trust deepen your relationship with Him?

Reflect on this verse in light of your daily life. It’s a reminder that repentance and rest are not signs of weakness but acts of alignment with God’s design. Choosing quietness and trust over noise and busyness shifts our focus to His sovereignty and provision. What practical steps can you take to cultivate this rhythm of repentance, rest, and trust in your daily walk with God?

Psalm 23:1-3

These verses beautifully illustrate God’s care as our shepherd. A shepherd’s role is to lead, protect, and provide for the sheep, and here, David acknowledges God as the one who fulfills those needs perfectly. To say, “I lack nothing,” is a profound declaration of trust. It reflects the sufficiency of God’s provision—not just for physical needs but for spiritual renewal and guidance. God doesn’t just lead us to safety; He restores our souls and directs us along the right paths for His glory.

How often do we pause to consider the ways God refreshes our souls? In the busyness of life, it can be easy to overlook the “green pastures” and “quiet waters” He provides. Yet, this passage reminds us that the gift of rest is part of God’s care for us—it’s how He renews and strengthens us for the journey ahead. What are the green pastures in your life right now? Are you allowing God to lead you to moments of rest and refreshment, or are you resisting His guidance?

Take some time to reflect on how you experience God as your shepherd. Are there areas where you need to trust Him more fully to provide or guide? Consider how you can embrace His invitation to lie down in green pastures and walk beside quiet waters. How might trusting His leading bring more peace and renewal to your life? Let these verses remind you of the deep care and provision of the Good Shepherd.

Matthew 11:28-30

These words from Jesus are a compassionate invitation to all who feel weary and overwhelmed. He acknowledges the burdens we carry and offers a solution: to come to Him. The “yoke” Jesus speaks of was a wooden frame placed on oxen to distribute their load. By saying His yoke is easy and His burden light, Jesus invites us to partner with Him, exchanging the weight of our worries for the peace and rest He provides. His yoke doesn’t mean a life free of challenges but one where He walks beside us, carrying the load we cannot bear alone.

Reflecting on this passage, we’re reminded that true rest is not just physical; it’s soul-deep. Jesus invites us to learn from Him, adopting His gentleness and humility. Resting in Him means releasing the control we often cling to and trusting in His sufficiency. Are there areas of your life where you’re carrying burdens God never intended for you to bear? How might letting go of those weights and taking up His yoke bring you peace?

As you meditate on this invitation, think about what it means to rest in Jesus practically. Are you setting aside time to come to Him in prayer, worship, or reflection? How might trusting Him with your burdens change the way you approach your challenges? Let this passage remind you that Jesus’ rest is a gift, freely offered to all who are willing to come and receive it.

Philippians 4:6-7

In a world filled with uncertainties and pressures, Paul’s words offer a lifeline of hope and direction. He encourages believers to approach every situation, not with anxiety but with prayer and thanksgiving. Anxiety often thrives when we feel out of control, but this passage reminds us that God is fully in control and invites us to bring our worries to Him. Thanksgiving shifts our perspective from the problems at hand to the faithfulness of God, allowing us to rest in the assurance that He hears and cares for us. How often do we take our concerns to God in prayer rather than trying to solve them on our own? How might a posture of thanksgiving transform the way we view our struggles?

Paul’s promise is extraordinary: as we surrender our anxieties to God, His peace will guard our hearts and minds. This peace isn’t tied to the resolution of our problems but to the presence of God in the midst of them. It transcends understanding because it is rooted in God’s unchanging nature, not in our changing circumstances. Reflect on a time when God’s peace sustained you during a challenging season. How did that peace affect your outlook and strengthen your trust in Him?

As you meditate on these verses, consider how you can apply them to your current struggles. What burdens are you carrying that need to be brought before God? This week, make it a habit to pause, pray, and thank God for His faithfulness, trusting that His peace will guard your heart and mind as you rest in Him. Let this passage remind you that true rest is found in the presence of God, where anxiety gives way to peace.

To print the 20 Reflection and Discussion Questions for Rest and Renewal in Christ –> Click Here

This Week’s Verses of the Day:

(You can use these images on your social media by using right click and “save as” or screenshot them.)


Genesis 2:2 Verse of the day


Isaiah 30:15 Verse of the day


Psalm 231:3 Verse of the Day


Matthew 11:28-30 Verse of the Day


Philippians 4:6-7 Verse of the Day

Here is an explanation of our SOIL Bible study method

January 2025 SOIL Bible Study Method

You can download our Introduction to Inductive Bible Study if you would like to learn more.

Don’t Miss the Daily Check-Ins on Social Media!

Join us EVERY weekday morning ANYTIME after 7:00am EST on social media to discuss the day’s reading assignment.

Click your favorite social media platform below to join us throughout the week.

If you prefer a private Facebook group to participate in our Bible studies, you can join our group HERE.

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Have a wonderful week in God’s Word – I’ll see you back here on the blog this Friday as we review our study for this week and dig deeper into the gift of rest together!

Grace and peace,


Don't forget about our CWC Club Community. It's a special group of women who connect and study God's word together. Experience an upgraded private community with exclusive resources not available anywhere else. You can find out more HERE.

If you'd like to download the free printable Bible study reading plan along with study, reflection, and practical application questions click HERE.

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