The Lord's Prayer

(Memorize Matthew 6:9-13)

The Lords Prayer

There is nothing probably more precious in the Bible than the Lord's Prayer...

9"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11Give us this day our daily bread. 12And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen." (Matthew 6:9-13)

The Lord's Prayer Wallpaper Image

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It's a passage of scripture that is usually learned as a child in Sunday School or from a parent. It's considered a model prayer or guide given by Jesus on how the believer is to pray. It contains several key sections that speak deeply to the heart of the believer about who  God is and what He does. 

If you have ever wanted to memorize this passage, looking closer at the meaning inside the verses may help you. 

It begins with announcing that God is Father, and His name is to be hallowed, admired, greatly respected, and exalted. God is the one you are praying to. He is God, and He is in heaven. 

It then moves to the talking about His kingdom. God desires that His will be done through you, on the earth, just like it is in heaven. So, as you are praying, you can be assured that whatever is His will in heaven should be the same in your life here on the earth. 

The next part is about your needs. The need for daily bread speaks of our basic needs being met every day by simply asking Him. Then it continues speaking of how we relate to others with forgiveness. As we daily walk with Him, we are to forgive first, and then He forgives us. 

The last section talks about how God protects us from harm and evil. This gives us a sense that God is always near to guide us in life. It is God that delivers you from the evil one. It is He alone that keeps you safe when trials and temptations come. 

Finally, you close the prayer with the same admiration, honor, and exaltation you began with. His kingdom is forever, as well as His glory and His power. 

When taken to heart, the message in the Lord's prayer will cause you to draw closer to God in relation to who He is, His love and provision for you, and His protection as you walk with Him. You are invited to take portions of this prayer and meditate on the goodness of God and how He provides for every area of your life.

Memorize the Lord's prayer and use it as your guide book on how to pray. Use the scripture memory journal below to practice writing and speaking this verse out loud until you have the words secured in your mind. Answer the guided questions provided to help you remember passages of the prayer.

Remember, the Father is a good father, and He loves you and provides for you.

Enjoy the Lord's prayer. Let it speak to the depths of your soul and remind you of all that God is to you and has provided for you. 

Grace and peace,


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You'll receive a 7-day scripture memory journal that assists you in the process of memorizing Matthew 6:9-13. It includes the above blog post, space to write out the Bible verse, a reminder to say the verse aloud to aid memorization, and guided questions.

You can read the PDF downloads on whatever electronic device you use and fill out the journal answers in your own journal or a notebook. 

Another way to enjoy the downloads is to print them out on your home printer or email them to your favorite printer like the UPS Store, Staples Business Depot, or Kinkos and use them in printed form.

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