Free Online Bible Studies For Women: An Introduction To Good Morning Girls

Sheila longed to grow closer to God, but she struggled with the concept. She envied her friend, Molly, who described God as her “best friend and closest confidant.” She wanted a vibrant relationship with God like Molly had.

So, she asked her friend how she’d developed that close relationship. “Well,” Molly said after thinking for a moment. “It’s like every other relationship I’ve had. I put work into it – I spend time with God. I talk to Him throughout my day. I read the notes He sends me every day.”

“Wait a second,” Sheila said. “God sends you notes?”

“Yes, that’s what the Bible is,” Molly said. “It’s a whole collection of notes God wrote just for me. Each day, I pull it open and see what He has to say to me.”

Reading Your Bible Doesn't Have To Be A Chore

If you cringe at the thought of spending time in God’s Word or avoid reading yours for weeks at a time, you’re not alone. Many Christians struggle to make studying the Bible a top priority in their lives.

For most people, it’s not that they don’t want to know what God says. They simply view it as another “chore.” It’s one more task on an already overflowing to-do list, and it feels impossible to make time for it.

But what if you changed your attitude toward Bible-reading? What if, instead of being another action item for you to get done, it became an exciting adventure? What if it was the conversation that you spent all day looking forward to? What if you chose to cherish the words between the leather covers?

Here a Christian Women’s Corner, I felt led to encourage women (and myself) to read our Bibles more, and I longed to start free online bible studies for women. That’s why…

We've Partnered With Good Morning Girls!

In my quest to find a fun and engaging way to read and study the bible, I was fortunate enough to come across Courtney Joseph at Good Morning Girls, a Women Living Well ministry. Courtney has a degree in evangelism and discipleship from Moody Bible Institute and has discovered a fun and really helpful way to read through the bible.

It all begins with starting and leading a Good Morning Girls group. The more I read and checked out her website, the more I wanted to create a group. And I also encourage others to start their own group as well.

A Good Morning Girls group is an online accountability group that encourages women to read and study their Bible. I love the idea of free online bible studies for women and have jumped right in and started a group using the Facebook platform. 

You can sign up for our private Facebook group by clicking on the green button below.

We also offer an alternative to our Facebook group called the CWC Club. It's created online but far from social media. We found that many women don't have Facebook accounts or are looking to spend less time on social media and created this community to accommodate that need. It's run similar to our Facebook group but is separated into topics and operates in a more organized manner with a few more options.

You can sign up for our CWC Club community by clicking on the green button below.

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To give you more of an idea of how our group works, I’ll give you an inside peek.

How Good Morning Girls Works

After you join the Christian Women’s Corner ~ Good Morning Girls Facebook group, you will have access to daily accountability to help you read through the bible, one chapter at a time. And don’t we all need that!

We read the bible together Monday to Friday with the weekends off, one chapter a day for approximately 20 minutes. You can read and study the bible anytime you like, but the resources to do so will be posted in the group around 7am every morning.

They are online self-guided studies in which we type or post pictures of our answers and insights to the material in the comments section daily. The comments section is where all the interaction will take place.

There are no specific times we have to meet or places you need to be to use these supports. You read and study when you have time during the day or night and check-in with the group as you can throughout your day or night.

There is also no homework to do. Our only goal is to read through the bible. We are committed to working around your busy schedule, and that’s why I love Good Morning Girls so much!

Here’s a video of Courtney describing the heart and vision behind Good Morning Girls.

What Are The Requirements?

All are welcome to join us anytime, so don’t wait to start when a new session begins. Just jump right in! There are no requirements to subscribe or enroll.

We regroup a few times a year. Usually, it is in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. This allows a graceful bow-out time for women who need to leave our group, who might have studies going on in the local Church, or who cannot commit. This also opens the door for new women to join in.

Resources We Will Be Using

Daily bible Study And Check In

Each day, in our private Facebook group, I will post the bible reading chapter of the day and the verse of the day, and you will post what you got from your daily quiet time. There is also a reflection and one or two daily discussion questions posted. If you are having a hard time finding something specific to share, these questions should help you have a jumping point.


This is the method we use to study the bible. If you are not inclined to use the SOAK method, just do it your own way. We only wish to know what you are learning as you share each day in our group.

I particularly like this study method because it gives me a chance to reread the verses, ponder the observations, review my applications and pray my prayers.

I think of it as my journal, and I use an Inspire Praise Bible, a coloring and creative journaling bible. I put some of my daily SOAK’s in there. I also use a notebook to put my more private thoughts in.

If you prefer to write out / journal your SOAK, you can print off a daily SOAK sheet for your own use here.

Your SOAK could look something like this on our thread:

SScripture - Verses 1-5 is what stood out to me today (Or—you can actually type out verses 1-5). You can also use our verse of the day if you have difficulty finding a verse. (There is no right or wrong choice— just let the Holy Spirit guide you.)

OObservation - Share your basic observations here. What stands out to you? What have you learned about the character of God from these verses? Is there a promise, command, or teaching?

AApplication - Personalize the verses. What is God saying to you? How are you going to take what you have learned and apply it to your life? Are there any changes you need to make or an action to take?

KKneel in Prayer - You don’t have to type out your prayer, but you can. Remember to follow our ACTS model. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication).

I typically share in paragraph form. Usually, my first 2 -3 sentences are observation and then 2-3 sentences for application.

Basically, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Just share what God has taught you each day!

My SOAK will be posted at the top of the Facebook Group each day. If you miss a day, go back through the threads and catch up if you need to.

Bible Coloring Code Chart

We use a coloring code chart to help us study the Bible and underline or color the words. It's not mandatory to use this method but we find it helps slow down our reading and gives us a better understanding of what we are learning. Each color identifies the following:

Purple – God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Savior, Messiah

Pink – women of the Bible, family, marriage, parenting, friendships, relationships

Red – love, kindness, mercy, compassion, peace, grace

Green – faith, obedience, growth, fruit, salvation, fellowship, repentance

Yellow – worship, prayer, praise, doctrine, angels, miracles, power of God, blessings

Blue – wisdom, teaching, instruction, commands

Orange – prophecy, history, times, places, kings, genealogies, people, numbers, covenants, vows, visions, oaths, future

Brown – Satan, sin, death, hell, evil, idols, false teachers, hypocrisy, temptation

You can find a Bible coloring code chart bookmark here.

And a full-page Bible coloring code chart here.

Feel free to print them off and use them.

Here is a video of Courtney explaining the SOAK bible study method and the coloring code chart.

Bible Coloring/Journaling Posts

We are huge on creative bible journaling and coloring around here. I will post either mine or another person’s bible coloring/journaling picture once a day, and you can comment underneath with your photos as well. It’s great fun!

Weekly Posts

Every week we have a couple of posts. The first is a prayer photo post. On Sunday, I will ask for prayer requests. Please add your prayer requests by commenting. Let us know any answers or updates. Feel free to post prayers for others as well. I will copy your prayer request down in my prayer journal and pray for you often. Please feel free to do the same!

The second weekly post is a link to Courtney’s blog and video for the week. On Friday, I will point you to Courtney’s blog to read a blog post and watch a video that Courtney provides us, which summarizes our bible study for the week. It’s an excellent wrap-up to what we’ve been learning, and Courtney always has some great insights to share.

Other Downloadable/Printable Resources

Good Morning Girls have a printable Bible bookmark with the reading plan chapters on it that we are currently studying. You can use it to track where you are and check off what chapters you have read so far. The download is available in the Facebook group,

Good Morning Girls also have a printable Bible reading plan of the entire bible. You can use it to keep track of where you are and check off what books of the bible and which chapters you have read so far. It’s nice to look back and see how far you’ve come. You can download the printable Bible reading plan here.

Chapter A Day Journals

Good Morning Girls journals are for sale on Amazon. They correspond with each book of the bible and chapter that we are studying. You can check out the journals here.

Recommended pens & Pencils

Here is a list of products that I use in my quiet time:

Fine line non-bleeding pens – Sakura Pigma Micron Archival Ink

Colored Pencils - Crayola Twistables, Prismacolor Premier, and Faber-Castell Polychomos

I use the Inspire Praise Large Print Bible, NLT version as my personal Bible.

Please Join Us!

I’m excited and hope you will join our private Facebook group to start reading the word of God daily and have the accountability to keep up this habit and read through the entire Bible with us.

Free online bible studies for women have become very popular because they offer flexibility and accountability for your daily quiet time. You’ll feel connected with a group of women who share the same love of Jesus that you do and will be able to share as much or as little as you want with them.

You can check out the Good Morning Girls/Women Living Well website here to learn more about Courtney and her ministry. If you’re interested in starting your own Good Morning Girls group, you can find out more information here.

Not only will you get Good Morning Girl resources, but you will get Christian Women’s Corner updates and resources as well. These things are meant to keep you fed and help support you on your walk with Jesus.

Grace and peace,


Click the green button below to join our Christian Women's Corner ~ Good Morning Girls private Facebook group.

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Click the green button below to join our Christian Women's Corner CWC Club community.

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