How To Share The Gospel In Creative Ways

Have you ever wondered how to share the Gospel with others in everyday life without feeling nervous or intimidated? Here are some creative suggestions to help you get over those negative feelings and finally get around to sharing the Gospel message with other people.

God commanded us to go out and preach the Gospel. Another way of putting that is evangelizing. Some people feel called to evangelize and have a passion for it. They find it very easy and can smoothly maneuver everyday conversations with just about anyone over into the realm of Godly things. 

Then there are some of us who cringe at the very thought of sharing Jesus with others. We are scared of what other people will think if we bring up God in today's world. Broaching the subject of religion and God, and dare we  say it? Speaking the name of Jesus can be very intimidating and even downright scary.

One of my favorite ways to evangelize and share the Gospel is through what I call "friendship evangelism." That simply means that I rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me to individuals who need to hear the Gospel of Jesus. I develop a relationship with them and ask the Holy Spirit to guide my conversations with that person.

Yes, there are some times when we need to come out and ask a person, "if you died today, do you know where you'd spend eternity?" But in everyday life, we can use some very creative ways to speak to those who we love and serve around us.

Two Women Talking To Each Other Looking Out From The Edge Of A Cliff At The Scenery

How To Share The Gospel Creatively

Creativity in evangelism is key to reaching people where they are. Consider how Paul tailored his message to different audiences—whether in synagogues, marketplaces, or homes. Similarly, whether you’re tech-savvy or love face-to-face interaction, there’s a method that suits you. The key is to be authentic and consistent, reflecting Christ’s love in all you do. Remember, every creative method you use is another way God can touch a heart.

Start A Christian Website Or Blog

A Christian website or blog can become a virtual mission field. Imagine your words as beacons of light in the digital world, drawing people closer to Christ. Share personal testimonies, Bible studies, or even daily devotionals—whatever God lays on your heart. The more you share, the more you’ll see how God uses your efforts to spread His word far and wide.

This idea is a good fit for those who are a bit on the techy side or natural-born writers. I didn't start this way, but my love of social media grew into creating this website.

Like social media, a website or blog can reach many people around the world. The Internet is a beautiful thing in this regard. Once your website or blog starts growing a presence on the Internet, your ability to lead others to Jesus will grow.

Running a website or writing a blog isn't for everyone and can be a lot of work, but if you have the inclination, it's one of the most rewarding ways to reach others with the Gospel.

Use Social Media To Share Your Faith

Next on our list, of course, is social media! Some people see social media as a negative thing because of how much time it can consume and the negativity it can spread. But like everything in life, we need to use it in moderation. And with social media, a little bit can go a long way!

I started out a few years ago sharing my faith pretty timidly online through social media. The reaction I received was very encouraging, and I continued on and started getting bolder with my posts.

I admit, some days, you might get an adverse reaction depending on what you post, and believe it or not, sometimes the negativity comes directly from other Christians. They may disagree with your doctrine or your point of view. You may need thick skin in some cases. Don't let this dissuade you. Keep at it, and your heart for sharing the gospel with others will shine through.

Some of my favorite ways of sharing on social media include:

  • Sharing memes! This is my personal favorite. I use a mixture of serious and funny memes.
  • Posting bible verses. Any time you share God's word straight from the Bible online is always the right time.
  • Sharing quotes from famous Christian preachers, authors, historians, etc., is an excellent way to spread the Gospel on social media.
  • Posting your everyday life and what Jesus is teaching you through that works well.
  • Checking in on Facebook when  you're at church is another way to simply share your faith.

Wear Faith-Based T-shirts, Jewelry, And Various Apparel

You can share the Gospel with others without even saying a word! I use this creative idea quite a bit. There are many places online that you can shop and find faith-based merchandise to wear around town. 

It's a quiet way to share your faith but can be powerful when people ask you about it or what it means. It can start a conversation that never would have happened as easily otherwise.

If the t-shirt, hat, or necklace you're wearing means something to you personally, it makes it so much easier to talk about and allows your faith to shine!

Wearing faith-based apparel is like carrying a portable testimony. Think of it as modern-day “armor of God,” not just for protection but also as a way to open doors to conversations. Be prepared to share the story behind what you’re wearing—it could be the spark that ignites someone’s interest in knowing more about Jesus.

Start A Bible Study

This is another way that I love to share the Gospel with others and was a natural fit for me because of my love of the Internet. I started two online Bible studies using the Facebook group platform

If starting a Bible study on the Internet isn't your thing, you could start an in-home Bible study in your neighborhood. It is a brave step to take, but it is not as difficult if you invite a mixture of your Christian and non-Christian friends. Then you have a bit of support from your Christian friends, and you are exposing your non-Christian friends to the Bible at the same time.

There are plenty of Bible study materials out there for you to choose from. Most include a workbook to follow along and answer questions in, so you don't need to spend a lot of time preparing a study. Some even have a video series if that's something you think your friends may be interested in. When you use materials to guide your Bible study, you end up in a facilitator role that is more supportive and not so work-intensive.

Display Faith Based Decor In Your Home

This is another way I love to share my faith with people who enter my home. It's similar to wearing your faith such as a t-shirt or hat and speaks quietly to people without saying a word. 

I enjoy using wall art around my house. A wall decal or canvas with a solid Christian message or verse on it is always motivating and keeps my mind focused on God because I see it every day. It has a dual purpose, though, because it speaks to those who enter my home. 

You can get even more creative and have throw pillows and blankets with faith-based messages on them as well. Numerous online stores offer these types of products. One of my favorites is Dayspring.

How To Share The Gospel Infographic

Give Faith-Inspired Gifts

Giving the people in your life who don't know Jesus personally a faith-inspired gift is another way to share your faith with others. There are many unique gifts that you can find on Christian store websites like Dayspring that I listed above.

Gifting a monthly subscription box to a friend is another great idea. They receive a package in the mail full of faith-inspired gifts every month. It's the gift that keeps on giving! One of my favorite monthly subscription boxes is Faithbox.

Faith-inspired gifts are more than just presents; they are seeds planted in someone’s life. Every time they use or see the gift, they’re reminded of God’s love. Choose gifts that speak to the heart—a devotional book, a scripture-filled journal, or even a simple bookmark with a Bible verse. These small tokens of faith can lead to deeper conversations about Jesus and His love.

Hand Out A Pocket-Sized Gospel Of John

A much more intentional way of sharing the Gospel with others is handing people a pocket-sized Gospel of John. It takes a more significant step of faith than the suggestions listed above but is well worth the effort.

When I was researching ways to share the Gospel with others, I found The Pocket Testament League and fell in love with their simple three-step method.

Read ~ Carry ~ Share

1. The Power of God's Word // Read

2. The Faithfulness of God to those who pray and say to Him, I'll go! // Carry

3. The Promise of God to those who seek Him // Share

 I am currently using this method both online and off and encourage others to use it as well.

Who is The Pocket Testament League?

They are a fantastic organization that Christian Women's Corner has partnered with. We were looking for a practical way to show our community how to share Jesus with others and found The League. 

They are an interdenominational evangelical organization founded in 1893 when a teenage girl and her friends made a commitment to carry pocket-sized New Testaments to share with others. Learn more about The Pocket Testament League by visiting

Here's a quick video that explains The Pocket Testament League's vision and how it works.

Why the Gospel of John?

It is the eyewitness account of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth that has stood the test of time and made a difference to billions of lives around the world. John wrote this account with a special theme in mind that he states near the end:

31“but these are written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)

Wondering about follow-up after you share a Gospel of John?

The League has that covered as well. When you give someone a pocket Gospel or share it online, the Gospel message of Jesus and an invitation to pray and become a Christian is written in it. There are also links written in it that will lead them to free follow-up resources. 

There are two free courses available that the receiver of a pocket Gospel can take. One course is a 21-day challenge that goes in-depth about the Gospel of John. The other is a course that will give them answers to strengthen their new relationship with God called 'Life In His Name' if they choose to become a Christian. Daily pocket devotionals are also available. Of course, your personal follow-up with the individual you gave the pocket Gospel to is strongly encouraged, but if it's not possible, there are supports they can access.

Free training for you!

The Pocket Testament League also provides free evangelism training for you through an online email course you can take to give you the skills and encouragement you need to approach people and give them a pocket Gospel of John. You can access your free course here. >> Evangelism Bootcamp

We highly recommend that you join along with us at Christian Women's Corner and partner with The Pocket Testament League as a Member (membership is free). It's a beautiful way to share your faith with others. To check out their free courses and devotionals, or become a member, just visit their website at

>>Click here<< to download and read a sample Gospel of John from The Pocket Testament League that you can use to share the Gospel with others.

If you've found this page and would like to know how to become a Christian, we have information on how to do so.

If you have any questions or want to leave us a comment, you can reach us at our Contact Us page.

Grace and peace,


Sharing Is Caring!

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