You Can Still Hope In God

(Memorize Isaiah 40:31)

You Can Still Hope In God Image

Have you ever felt like giving up?

I know that sometimes life's pressures can be overwhelming, and we often wonder when God will come through for us. The mounting pressures of life that confront us, including fear, unfulfilled expectations, illnesses, failures, and separation, can be daunting. Regardless of our challenging situations, however, there is good news, as we can still hope in God in the midst of our trials.

I know sometimes you may wonder if God understands that you are tired and exhausted and need relief. God is merciful. He is touched by your sorrows and pain, and no chapter in your life is too dark for Him to read. He will bring light to your situation as He knows and cares about you. No aspect of your life is unknown to God, as He loves you unconditionally and will not withhold any good thing from you. As you experience your trials, you may be trying to rely on your own strength:

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31) NIV

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We have a wallpaper background image available that you can download and use on your laptop or desktop computer. It will help you memorize Isaiah 43:31 by keeping it top of mind whenever you login to your computer. Click >>here<< for the wallpaper background image.

Wow. What a sweet assurance!

Have hope in God and rest on His promises as you wait on Him. Yes, the burdens may seem unbearable, and the problems may seem unsolvable, but you can rest assured that God is with you even in times of fear, disappointment, or discouragement. God has rich blessings in store for you. No storm will last forever, and God’s strength and power can lift you from any challenging situation as He pours out His daily sustenance of love and mercy.

But waiting is not always easy.

Yes, I know that waiting is not easy, but do not lose hope in God. His timing is perfect, and He takes an interest in every area of your life. It is not a denial, even when you think there’s a delay. Do not grow weary in your waiting, as God will show up and reveal His plans and purpose in your life. Remain hopeful and trust God as He elevates you above your storms.

5And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5) NIV

When you hope in God, He will not disappoint you. Hold on to God’s promises, and do not give up. You can experience renewed life in God when you cling to Him in hope. You may feel weak along the journey, but trust God as you wait on him to grant you strength comparable to that of an eagle. Do not give place to doubts and fear. Wait on God, as He will empower and energize you. When you are hopeful, God will one day lift your burdens and give you sweet peace and rest as He lifts you above the pressures of this world.

Grace and peace,


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