Welcome To Our Online Prayer & Praise Wall

Prayer And Praise Wall

Our online Prayer & Praise Wall is coming soon!

Do you need prayer, have a praise item, or want to post your testimony? We've created the online Prayer & Praise Wall just for you!

You can post your particular comment and have it show up on our wall below. You can also check off a box before you post, and it will show up on your Facebook wall at the same time! No need to double-post. Visitors will be able to 'like' and reply to your posted comment and show their support. 

Comments are moderated, so your post won't be shown on the wall below until a moderator looks to make sure we aren't posting anything disrespectful or off-topic.

If you decide not to post a comment, please take the time to reply to someone else's. Tell a person who posted that you are praying for them. You can even type out a prayer for a commenter in your reply.  You can also click the 'like' link so the person knows they are supported. These small things help keep the online Praise & Prayer Wall active and thriving.


There is no way to post anonymously on our Prayer & Praise Wall. We use a Facebook comments plugin that will show your Facebook profile picture beside your post. We don't allow anonymous comment posting because we've found that they tend to over-share or type inappropriate things for a public online wall when people post anonymously.

If you would like to share a very personal prayer request or praise item, we have a private Facebook group you can join, and we share more personal subjects there. You can check out our sign-up page here to see if our group is a good fit for you. >> CWC Private Facebook Group

Type Your Online Prayer request, praise item or testimony in the box below

Coming Soon!