Join Our Facebook Groups For Friendly Accountability And Community

Facebook Groups Picture

The Christian Women's Corner private Facebook groups were created with you in mind. CWC’s goal is to provide and facilitate encouragement, accountability, and community for Christian women. I hope that you will see our corner as a support and guide for you in your Christian walk as much as I do. I want you to feel comfortable inviting people you know to our communities as well!

Christian Women's Corner ~ Good Morning Girls Facebook Group

CWC Facebook Group

Our first CWC private Facebook group includes both Christian Women's Corner and Good Morning Girls resources.

 What is Good Morning Girls? 

Good Morning Girls meets online daily to keep each other accountable in God's word and in prayer as we read through the Bible cover to cover just one chapter a day. 

You can sign up for our private Good Morning Girls Facebook group by clicking on the green button below.

After you join the Christian Women’s Corner ~ Good Morning Girls Facebook group, you will have access to daily accountability to help you read through the Bible, one chapter at a time. And don’t we all need that!

They are online self-guided studies in which we type or post pictures of our answers and insights to the material in the comments section daily. The comments section is where all the interaction will take place.

There are no specific times we have to meet or places you need to be to use these supports. You read and study when you have time during the day or night and check-in with the group as you can throughout your day or night. 

There is also no homework to do and we get weekends off. Our only goal is to read through the Bible. We are committed to working around your busy schedule, and that’s why I love Good Morning Girls so much!

All are welcome to join us anytime, so don’t wait to start when a new session begins. Just jump right in! There are no requirements to subscribe or enroll.

We regroup a few times a year. Usually, it is in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. This allows a graceful bow-out time for women who need to leave our group, who might have studies going on in the local Church, or who cannot commit. This also opens the door for new women to join in.

I’m excited and hope you will join our private Good Morning Girls Facebook group to start reading the word of God daily and have the accountability to keep up this habit and read through the entire Bible with us.

Not only will you get Good Morning Girl resources, but you will get Christian Women’s Corner updates and resources as well. These things are meant to keep you fed and help support you on your walk with Jesus.

If you'd like a more in-depth explanation of our private Good Morning Girls Facebook group and what we offer there, you can check out this page>> Free Online Bible Studies For Women: An Introduction To Good Morning Girls.

Christian Women's Corner ~ Love God Greatly Facebook Group

Love God Greatly Facebook Page Picture

Our second CWC Facebook group includes both Christian Women's Corner and Love God Greatly resources. 

Love God Greatly is an organization that supplies topical Bible studies to women around the world. Each journal sold with their corresponding studies goes back into creating journals that are translated into over 40 different languages. The translated journals are provided at no cost so women from other countries are able to study the Bible in their own language.

You can sign up for our private Love God Greatly Facebook group by clicking on the green button below.

Click Here LGG FB Group Button

After you join the Christian Women's Corner ~ Love God Greatly Facebook group you will be surrounded with other women just like you who are there for community and to study God's word together.

They are online self-guided studies in which we type or post pictures of our answers and insights to the material in the comments section daily. The comments section is where all the interaction will take place.

There are no specific times we have to meet or places you need to be to use these supports. You read and study when you have time during the day or night and check-in with the group as you can throughout your day or night.

All the studies are either four or six weeks in length and are held six to seven times a year. 

God’s Word changes lives. When women are in God’s Word together in community, lives are changed, families are changed, communities are changed, and, we pray nations are changed.

The goal of Love God Greatly Bible studies is to inspire, encourage, and equip women in their faith as they gather together around God’s Word in local and online communities. We do this by teaching women how to love God greatly with their lives and provide the resources to do this.

Not only will you get Love God Greatly resources, but you will get Christian Women’s Corner updates and resources as well. These things are meant to keep you fed and help support you on your walk with Jesus.

Please Join Us!

Free online bible studies for women have become very popular because they offer flexibility and accountability for your daily quiet time. You’ll feel connected with a group of women who share the same love of Jesus that you do and will be able to share as much or as little as you want with them.

CWC Club Community
An alternative To Our Facebook Groups

We also offer an alternative to our Facebook groups called the CWC Club. It's created online but far from social media. We found that many women don't have Facebook accounts or are looking to spend less time on social media and created this community to accommodate that need. It's run similar to our Facebook groups but is separated into topics and operates in a more organized manner with a few more options. We facilitate both Good Morning Girls and Love God Greatly Bible studies within the community.

You can sign up for our CWC Club community by clicking on the green button below.

CWC Club Join Button