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Newsletter Issue #002 -- Our Second Newsletter which includes a Mother's Day theme!
May 01, 2022

We only send emails to amazing people😊❤️


Welcome to our second newsletter issue! We are glad that you have joined our email community and hope you enjoy this months newsletter celebrating Mother's Day.

Just so you know what to expect, we will be sending out a monthly newsletter with all the latest CWC news the first day/week of every month. We may also add in a few shorter emails during the month if anything exciting comes up that we'd like to tell you about.

You can expect us to keep you informed about our community, interesting blog posts, special sales promotions, and cool free stuff!

If you like this newsletter, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward."

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May 1, 2022: CWC Newsletter Issue #002

In This Issue:

~We're celebrating Mother's Day with a special blog post about how your body is a temple. Many women have issues with body image and self esteem. If this is something your struggle with, this post is for you.

~ You'll also receive the latest news in our Good Morning Girls Facebook group.

~ We wrote a short Mother's Day devotion just for you.

~ Free Stuff!: A coloring page featuring 6 favorite verse cards.

Mother's Day Blog Post: Your Body Is A Temple

Your body is a temple, God’s unique creation. He loves every detail of your body, from the shape of your nose to the sound of your laugh. Please take the time to read our special blog post about how your body glorifies God. If you struggle with your body image or self esteem, this article may be for you. Click here to read >> Your Body Is A Temple

Latest News In Our Good Morning Girls Facebook Group

Celebrate! We completed our study through 1 Chronicles! Our Good Morning Girls Facebook bible study group is on break. The summer study starts on Monday, June 13th and we will be studying 2 Chronicles. If you fell behind on the 1 Chronicles study you can use the break to catch up.

Until then, our Facebook group is still open, and we will be posting occasionally during our break. If you have any friends that you think may like to join our group you can invite them too!

Here is the final link to our 1 Chronicles study with this wrap-up blog post from Courtney>> 4 Lessons From The Book of 1 Chronicles

If you have a friend who would like to join us please invite them! We would be happy to have them. Here is the link to our Facebook group sign-up page>> CWC Facebook Group Page

Continuing our Mother's Day theme, please read the following devotion.

A Shining Example

But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” – Ruth 1:16, NIV

Naomi had suffered three horrible losses. She lost her husband and both of her grown sons also died. Now, Naomi is a widow without a means of providing for herself or her two daughters-in-law.

“When Naomi heard in Moab that the Lord had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them, she and her daughters-in-law prepared to return home from there.” – Ruth 1:6, NIV

Naomi urges both daughters to leave her side and seek husbands since they’re still young. One daughter listens and tearfully departs. But Ruth promises to stand by her mother-in-law.

She calls her mother-in-law’s God her own and her mother-in-law’s people her own. Ruth was a foreigner, a woman from Moabite. Yet, she pledges her allegiance to her mother-in-law’s God.

Most likely, Naomi had greatly influenced Ruth during their time together. The older woman was a shining example of faith and grace to the younger, resulting in her conversion.

Some days, it can be tempting to believe that you’re not influencing anyone. But Ruth’s bold confession shows that others are watching how you live. You can have a tremendous impact on the people living in your household by simply being faithful to God and relying on Him.

God, let me be a shining example of Your goodness and faithfulness within my own home. I want to impact my family and friends for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Many of you in our CWC community love coloring! We have a great free download for you today that you can write or type on, print off, and color in. This downloadable PDF is one 8 1/2x11 sheet of six blank cards that you can write your favorite scripture verse on with a cute floral print that you can color in.

You can use these cards to help you memorize your favorite scripture verses you wrote or typed on them.

Below is a picture of the scripture cards.

Please click the favorite verse cards link to download your PDF. We recommend printing the cards out on card stock if you want to keep them for memorization purposes. >> Favorite Verse Cards <<

Grace and peace,


Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this email newsletter and tell me what you think! 😊

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